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Hobo Moses
Deuced Up
Posts: 59
Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2014 4:54 pm

Are my balls sposed to go in this deep?
Post Demon
Post Demon
Posts: 2206
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:32 pm

Oi, I thought you would either: Be too young to have your balls doing weird things or: You are a woman/alien.
Deuced Up
Posts: 22
Joined: Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:02 am

How did you do animated weapon parts like bolts for som rifles?
Posts: 601
Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:41 pm

>open 7 page
>"Are my balls sposed to go in this deep?"
>wtf is happening
>2.4GHz proc, chrome runs slow as fuck
>it will take 3 mins to load page 6
>the suspense is killing me

Also for Post_modernist
>learn C++
>find "/Resources/Scripts/Weapons/WEAPON/"
>find some autistic comments inside
>I wrote these parts of script. they're usually animations
Posts: 75
Joined: Mon May 26, 2014 8:31 pm

Here's what I request:

Skins for both teams. That means you could do "humans vs. Zombies" skins. :)
Posts: 601
Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:41 pm

Impossible unless someone tells me how to compile on windows XP (some bugs will also be fixed).
Deuced Up
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed May 07, 2014 7:21 pm

AKM is beautiful! Thank you!
Could you give AKM WITHOUT sounds? Answer please, i really like and want this weapon) Thanks)
Posts: 601
Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:41 pm

Without sounds ...?
You can always change the sounds in OpenSpades/Resources/Sounds/Weapons/SMG/ (or make them silent etc.)
Deuced Up
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed May 07, 2014 7:21 pm

I want to use only model of AKM (its really cool).
But i cant just put content of Models/Weapon/SMG/ from your pack to same folder on my computer - in game parts of model is mixed up.
If I copy your folder Scripts to my comp then model in game is ok but one of theese scripts ( maybe) demands Sounds folder. (For example scripts for your M16 dont demand Sounds.)
Answer please how can i get only model of AKM without sounds.
Thank you and excuse me English)
Deuced Up
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed May 07, 2014 7:21 pm

I want to explain myself: I want to use only model of AKM and sounds to stay default. Thanks.
Posts: 601
Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:41 pm

Here's the script file with default sound system (that you find in OS by default):
(I couldn't upload the file here, forbidden)
Code: Select all
 Copyright (c) 2013 yvt
 This file is part of OpenSpades.
 OpenSpades is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.
 OpenSpades is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with OpenSpades.  If not, see <>.
 namespace spades 
	class ViewSMGSkin: 
	IToolSkin, IViewToolSkin, IWeaponSkin,
		private AudioDevice@ audioDevice;
		private Model@ gunModel;
		private Model@ gunModel2;
		private Model@ magazineModel;
		private Model@ sightModel1;
		private Model@ sightModel2;
		private Model@ sightModel3;
		private Model@ sightModel4;
		private Model@ movemodel;
		private Model@ flashmodel;
		private AudioChunk@[] fireSounds(4);
		private AudioChunk@ fireFarSound;
		private AudioChunk@ fireStereoSound;
		private AudioChunk@ reloadSound;
		float ReadyState;
		ViewSMGSkin(Renderer@ r, AudioDevice@ dev)
			@audioDevice = dev;
			@gunModel = renderer.RegisterModel
			@gunModel2 = renderer.RegisterModel
			@magazineModel = renderer.RegisterModel
			@sightModel1 = renderer.RegisterModel
			@sightModel2 = renderer.RegisterModel
			@sightModel3 = renderer.RegisterModel
			@sightModel4 = renderer.RegisterModel
			@movemodel = renderer.RegisterModel
			@flashmodel = renderer.RegisterModel
			@fireSounds[0] = dev.RegisterSound
			@fireSounds[1] = dev.RegisterSound
			@fireSounds[2] = dev.RegisterSound
			@fireSounds[3] = dev.RegisterSound
			@fireFarSound = dev.RegisterSound
			@fireStereoSound = dev.RegisterSound
			@reloadSound = dev.RegisterSound
		void Update(float dt) {
		void WeaponFired()
			BasicViewWeapon::WeaponFired();	//NOTE i might be able to do firing animation by linking a function here
				Vector3 origin = Vector3(0.4f, -0.3f, 0.5f);
				AudioParam param;
				param.volume = 8.f;
				audioDevice.PlayLocal(fireSounds[GetRandom(fireSounds.length)], origin, param);
				param.volume = 4.f;
				audioDevice.PlayLocal(fireFarSound, origin, param);
				param.volume = 1.f;
				audioDevice.PlayLocal(fireStereoSound, origin, param);	
		void ReloadingWeapon() 
				Vector3 origin = Vector3(0.f, -0.3f, 0.5f);
				AudioParam param;
				param.volume = 0.2f;
				audioDevice.PlayLocal(reloadSound, origin, param);
		float GetZPos() {
			return 0.2f - AimDownSightStateSmooth * 0.038f;
		//	return 0.2f - AimDownSightStateSmooth * 0.038f;
		// rotates gun matrix to ensure the sight is in
		// the center of screen (0, ?, 0).
		Matrix4 AdjustToAlignSight(Matrix4 mat, Vector3 sightPos, float fade) 
			Vector3 p = mat * sightPos;
			mat = CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f), atan(p.x / p.y) * fade) * mat;
			mat = CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), atan(p.z / p.y) * fade) * mat;
			return mat * CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 5.f, 0.f);
		void Draw2D()
		if (AimDownSightStateSmooth > 0.8f)
		void AddToScene() {
			Matrix4 mat = CreateScaleMatrix(0.033f); //DEFAULT 0.033
			mat = GetViewWeaponMatrix() * mat;
			bool reloading = IsReloading;
			float reload = ReloadProgress;
			reload *= 2.5f;
			Vector3 leftHand, rightHand;
			leftHand = mat * Vector3(1.0f, 9.f, 0.75f);			//(x,y,z) (x+left/-right, y+further/-closer, z+down/-up)
			rightHand = mat * Vector3(1.f, -1.6f, -0.5f);			//(x,y,z) (x+left/-right, y+further/-closer, z+down/-up)
			Vector3 leftHando = mat * Vector3(-1.f, 8.f, 0.f); //original position
			Vector3 leftHand2 = mat * Vector3(5.f, -10.f, 4.f); //release magazine
			Vector3 leftHand3 = mat * Vector3(0.f, 8.f, -3.f);	//moves up from original postion
			Vector3 leftHand4 = mat * Vector3(0.f, 8.f, -4.f); //moves up more
			Vector3 rightHand2 = mat * Vector3(2.f, 0.f, 1.5f); //moves hand when removing magazine
			Vector3 rightHand3 = mat * Vector3(-2.5f, 10.f, -6.f); //moves when loading new bullet
			Vector3 rightHand4 = mat * Vector3(-2.5f, 5.f, -5.f); //moves backwards
			if(AimDownSightStateSmooth > 0.8f)
				mat = AdjustToAlignSight(mat, Vector3(0.f, -700.f, -4.9f), (AimDownSightStateSmooth - 0.8f) / 0.2f);
			//mat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(-17.f, 0.f, 0.f);
			//mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 0.f, -1.f), asin(1));
			//NEW ROTATION ANIMATION#------------------------------------###########ROTATION###########
			//CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), tan(90.0f));
			//(left/right/up/down describes position of muzzle(farther end of weapon)) 
			//(x,y,z) (x+down/-up, y+rollright/-rollleft, z+turnleft?/-turnright?)
			//CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
			//(x,y,z) (x+left/-right, y+further/-closer, z+down/-up)
				if(reload < 0.2f)
					float per = reload / 0.2f;
					if (per < 0.8f)
						mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), per*0.375f); //>roll =0.3
						mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), per*0.25f); //>lift =-0.2
						mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), 0.3f);	//roll =0.3
						mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), 0.2f);	//lift =-0.2
				else if(reload < 0.4f) //removing magazine (move down)
					float per = (reload - 0.2f) / 0.2f;
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), 0.3f);		//roll =0.3
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), 0.2f);		//lift 
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(1.f, 0.f, 0.f), per*0.1f);	//>lift =-0.1
					mat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 0.f, per*2.f);				//>raise =2.0
				else if(reload < 0.7f) //recovers from moving down
					float per = (reload - 0.4f) / 0.3f;
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), 0.3f);		//roll =0.3
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), 0.1f);		//lift
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), per*0.1f);	//>lift =-0.2
					mat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 2.f);					//raise
					mat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 0.f, per*-0.6f);				//>raise =1.4
				else if(reload < 1.2f) //idling
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), 0.3f);
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), 0.2f);
					mat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 1.4f);
				else if(reload < 1.5f) //inserting magazine (move up)
					float per = (reload - 1.2f) / 0.3f;
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), 0.3f);		//roll
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, -1.f, 0.f), per*0.2f);	//>roll =0.1
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), 0.2f);		//lift
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), per*0.1f);	//>lift =-0.3
					mat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 1.4f);					//raise
					mat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 0.f, per*-1.4f);				//>raise =0					
				else if(reload < 2.f) //rolls left, prepares for bolt
					float per = (reload - 1.5f) / 0.5f;	
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), 0.1f);		//roll
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, -1.f, 0.f), per*0.2f);	//>roll =-0.1
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), 0.3f);		//lift
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), per*0.1f);	//>lift	=-0.4
				else if(reload < 2.2f) //bolt action (moves up)
					float per = (reload - 2.f) / 0.2f;	
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, -1.f, 0.f), 0.1f);			//roll 
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, -1.f, 0.f), per*0.2f);	//>roll =-0.3
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), 0.4f);		//lift
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), per*0.4f);	//>lift	=-0.8
				else if(reload < 2.4f) //bolt action>original
					float per = (reload - 2.2f) / 0.2f;
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, -1.f, 0.f), 0.3f);		//roll 
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), per*0.3f);	//>roll =0
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), 0.8f);		//lift
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(1.f, 0.f, 0.f), per*0.5f);	//>lift	=-0.3
				else //going to original
					float per = (reload - 2.4f) / 0.1f;
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), 0.3f);		//lift
					mat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(1.f, 0.f, 0.f), per*0.3f);	//>lift	=0
			Vector3 leftHando = mat * Vector3(-1.f, 8.f, 0.f); //original position
			Vector3 leftHand2 = mat * Vector3(5.f, -10.f, 4.f); //release magazine
			Vector3 leftHand3 = mat * Vector3(0.f, 8.f, -3.f);	//moves up from original postion
			Vector3 leftHand4 = mat * Vector3(0.f, 8.f, -4.f); //moves up more
			Vector3 rightHand2 = mat * Vector3(2.f, 0.f, 1.5f); //moves hand when removing magazine
			Vector3 rightHand3 = mat * Vector3(-1.0f, 5.f, -6.f); //moves when loading new bullet
			Vector3 rightHand4 = mat * Vector3(-1.0f, -3.f, -4.f); //moves backwards
			ModelRenderParam param;
			Matrix4 weapMatrix = eyeMatrix * mat;
			param.matrix = weapMatrix * CreateScaleMatrix(0.5f) *
			CreateTranslateMatrix(-0.5f, 0.f, 0.f);
			param.depthHack = true;
			renderer.AddModel(gunModel, param);
			param.matrix = weapMatrix * CreateScaleMatrix(0.5f) *
			CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
			param.depthHack = true;
			renderer.AddModel(gunModel2, param);
			//(x,y,z) (x+left/-right, y+further/-closer, z+down/-up)
			// draw sights
			Matrix4 sightMat = weapMatrix;
			sightMat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.25f/sqrt(2), 7.75f/sqrt(2), -7.6f/sqrt(2));
			sightMat *= CreateScaleMatrix(sqrt(2)/10);
			//sightMat *= CreateScaleMatrix(0.1f);
			//sightMat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), asin(sqrt(2)/2)); //all that time i could've just used arctangent... fk me >_<
			sightMat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), atan(1)); //acos((sqrt(2))/2)
			//sightMat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.25f, 5.f, 0.f);			
			param.matrix = sightMat;
			renderer.AddModel(sightModel1, param); // rear sight diagonal
			sightMat = weapMatrix;
			sightMat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.0f, 17.78f, -4.9f);
			sightMat *= CreateScaleMatrix(0.05f);
			param.matrix = sightMat;
			renderer.AddModel(sightModel3, param); // front pin
			sightMat = weapMatrix;
			sightMat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.025f, 5.f, -4.9f);
			sightMat *= CreateScaleMatrix(0.1f);
			param.matrix = sightMat;
			renderer.AddModel(sightModel2, param); // rear
			sightMat = weapMatrix;
			sightMat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.0f, 17.79f, -4.9f);
			sightMat *= CreateScaleMatrix(sqrt(2)/20);
			sightMat *= CreateRotateMatrix(Vector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), atan(1)); //acos((sqrt(2))/2)		
			param.matrix = sightMat;
			renderer.AddModel(sightModel4, param); //front diagonal
			// magazine/reload action
			mat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 3.f, 1.f);
				if(reload < 0.7f)
					// magazine release
					float per = reload / 0.7f;
					mat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 0.f, per*per*50.f);
					leftHand = Mix(leftHand, leftHand2, SmoothStep(per));
					rightHand = Mix(rightHand, rightHand2, SmoothStep(per));
				else if(reload < 1.5f) 												//1.4
					// insert magazine
					float per = (1.5f - reload) / 0.8f;								//1.4; 0.7
					if(per < 0.3f) 
						// non-smooth insertion
						per *= 4.f; 
						per -= 0.4f;
						per = Clamp(per, 0.0f, 0.3f);
					mat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 0.f, per*per*10.f);
					per = (reload - 0.7f) / 0.8f;
					leftHand = mat * Vector3(0.f, 0.f, 4.f);
					rightHand = Mix(rightHand2, rightHand, SmoothStep(per));
				else if(reload < 1.9f)
					// move the left hand to the original position
					// and start doing something with the "right" hand-INCORRECT
					float per = (reload - 1.5f) / 0.4f;								//1.4
					leftHand = mat * Vector3(0.f, 0.f, 4.f);
					leftHand = Mix(leftHand, leftHand3, SmoothStep(per)); //lefthand goes to original position
					rightHand = Mix(rightHand, rightHand3, SmoothStep(per));
				else if(reload < 2.25f)
					float per = (reload - 1.9f) / 0.35f;
					leftHand = Mix(leftHand3, leftHand4, SmoothStep(per));
					rightHand = Mix(rightHand3, rightHand4, SmoothStep(per));
					float per = (reload - 2.2f) / 0.3f;
					leftHand = Mix(leftHand4, leftHand, SmoothStep(per)); //bring back to original position
					rightHand = Mix(rightHand4, rightHand, SmoothStep(per));
			param.matrix = eyeMatrix * mat; //* CreateScaleMatrix(0.5f);
			renderer.AddModel(magazineModel, param);
			LeftHandPosition = leftHand;
			RightHandPosition = rightHand;
			//NEW ANIMATION--------------------------------------------------------#-#-#-#-#
			//IGNORE LINES LIKE THIS - they are just comments
			//sightMat = weapMatrix;
			//sightMat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(1.f, 1.f, 1.f) * CreateScaleMatrix(0.5f);
			param.matrix = weapMatrix * CreateTranslateMatrix(-0.24f, 0.f, 0.01f) * CreateScaleMatrix(0.5f);
			param.depthHack = true;
				if(reload < 0.7f)
					//magazine release - this actually does nothing,
					//but i'm afraid that removing this might break something :D
					float per = reload / 0.7f;
					//sightMat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
				else if(reload < 1.4f) 												//1.4
					// insert magazine - does nothing
					float per = (1.4f - reload) / 0.7f;								//1.4; 0.7
					//sightMat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
				else if(reload < 1.9f)
					// does nothing
					float per = (reload - 1.4f) / 0.5f;								//1.4
					//sightMat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
				else if(reload < 2.3f)
					float per = (reload - 1.9f) / 0.4f;
					param.matrix *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, per*-7.f, 0.f);
					//finally starts moving my WeaponMove.kv6 model
					//moves it closer to eye.
				else if(reload < 2.4f)
					param.matrix *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, -7.f, 0.f);		
					//somehow the model resets while executing every else { },
					//so i make the game return the model to needed place
					//(with first line)
					//and THEN tell game to return it slowly to the default place 
					//(with the last line).
					float per = (reload - 2.3f) / 0.1f;
					param.matrix *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, per*7.f, 0.f);
			if (ReadyState < 2.f)
				if (ReadyState < 0.6f)
					float per = (0.6f - ReadyState) / 0.6f;
					param.matrix *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, per*-7.f, 0.f);
				else if (ReadyState < 0.9f)
					param.matrix *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, -7.f, 0.f);
					float per = (0.9f - ReadyState) / 0.3f;
					param.matrix *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, per*7.f, 0.f);
			//param.matrix = eyeMatrix * sightMat;
			renderer.AddModel(movemodel, param);
			//NEW ANIMATION--------------------------------------------------------#-#-#-#-#
			param.matrix = weapMatrix * CreateTranslateMatrix(-0.25f, 0.f, 0.f);
			param.depthHack = true;
			if (ReadyState < 0.25f)
				param.matrix *= CreateScaleMatrix(0.5f);
				renderer.AddModel(flashmodel, param);
			//	param.matrix *= CreateScaleMatrix(0.0f);
			//param.matrix = eyeMatrix * sightMat;
			//renderer.AddModel(flashmodel, param);
	IWeaponSkin@ CreateViewSMGSkin(Renderer@ r, AudioDevice@ dev) {
		return ViewSMGSkin(r, dev);

// Chameleon or aka Chameleon.hider
// i got 99 lil bugs in the code, take one down, path it around
// i got 117 lil bugs in the code
//ANIM 2
				mat = CreateTranslateMatrix(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				mat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f);
				//if(reload < 2.0f) //do nothing
				//	mat = CreateTranslateMatrix(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				else if(reload < 2.2f)
					float per = (reload - 2.0f) / 0.3f;
					mat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, per*per*-5.f, 0.f);
					float per = (reload - 2.2f) / 0.3f;
					mat *= CreateTranslateMatrix(0.f, per*per*5.f, 0.f);
Deuced Up
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed May 07, 2014 7:21 pm

Thank you very much! Its awesome)
3 Years of Ace of Spades
3 Years of Ace of Spades
Posts: 74
Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:46 pm

Update plis? I wanna know how that revolver's comin'.
Deuced Up
Posts: 87
Joined: Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:45 pm

He is stuck with animations for the moment :)
Posts: 601
Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:41 pm

Well I already forgot about revolver tbh.
It's been 2.5 months since active development.
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