Spawning in killing water fix

The original, free Ace of Spades game powered by the Voxlap engine. Known as “Classic,” 0.75, 0.76, and all 0.x versions. Created by Ben Aksoy.
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Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:03 pm

Hey guys!
I'm new to this forum but played ace of spades back in 2014, didn't realize there is this huge, awesome community!

Anyway my mates and I have setup a server for open spades running perfectly no issues except for some of the maps. Most maps work perfectly whilst some of my favorite COD maps such as Nuketown don't work. This is because when you spawn into the game the tent isn't placed in the map it is placed outside where water is which kills you. We've made it so the water doesn't kill you in some of the .txt files for some maps but that just makes the map way bigger than it is.

I was wondering if there's any way to set tent spawns inside the map or at least not in the water.

Thanks guys and hopefully you'll join our server! Blue_Happy3
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