(Request) VoxelShop Tutorial

Instructions for using and creating mods.
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Icarus North wrote:
I have Voxelshop installed to my computer, but there are so many overwhelming options, I don't know how to use it. Can someone make a modguide for VoxelShop? I'd like to know how to:

Make weapons/skins/grenades
Use all VoxelShop Features
Center your KV6
The controls
How to color things
Change voxel sizes for compatibility with OS/AoS/VXW
For controls, you will have to take a look at this:
http://blackflux.com/forums/viewtopic.p ... 4dda04c184
blackflux wrote:
Holding control or alt will now always enable the free view, no matter which tool you are using.
Note: Holding control will not work on MAC (there is nothing I can do about that).

Camera Tool
Left Click: rotates view around current rotation center (main view), moves view (side view)
Right Click: moves camera up/down along y-axis (main view)
Shift + Left Click: Aligns all side views to the clicked voxel
Shift + Right Click: As left click, but also sets the rotation point of the main view to the clicked voxel. You can reset the rotation point in the toolbar of the main view.

Draw Tool
Left Click: Draws a voxel with the current color/texture
Right Click: Erases the selected voxel
Shift + Left Click: Draw out an area and fill it with voxel
Shift + Right Click: Draw out an area and erase all voxels inside

Erase Tool
Left Click: Erase clicked voxel
Right Click: Erase clicked voxel, but only if in selected layer
Shift + Left Click: Draw out an area and erase all voxels inside
Shift + Right Click: Draw out an area and erase all voxels that are inside and also in the selected layer

Color Picker
Left Click: Select color/texture of clicked voxel
Right Click: Select color/texture of clicked voxel if the voxel is in the selected layer
Shift + Left Click: Draw out an area to select the (weighted) average color of all voxels inside
Shift + Right Click: Like left click, but each unique color is only used once

Flood Fill
Left Click: Fill all attached voxels with the same color with the selected color.
Right Click: Fill all attached voxels with the same color and in the selected layer with the selected color.
Shift + Left Click: Fill all voxels with the same color with the selected color.
Shift + Right Click: Fill all voxels with the same color and in the selected layer with the selected color.
Note: In side view this works layerwise

Color Changer Tool
Left Click: Change the color/texture of the clicked voxel. If the texture is already the selected one for the clicked side of the voxel, is is rotated.
Right Click: Change the color/texture of the clicked voxel if the voxel is in the selected layer. If the texture is already the selected one for the clicked side of the voxel, is is mirrored (it doesn't matter if the voxel is in the selected layer in this case).
Shift + Left Click: Draw out an area to set the color/texture of all voxels in that area.
Shift + Right Click: Like left click, but only considers voxels in the selected layer.

Select Tool
Left Click: Select clicked voxel
Right Click: Deselect clicked voxel
Left Click + Drag: Select voxel in the drawn area
Right Click + Drag: Deselect voxel in the drawn area
Shift + Left Click: Draw out an area to select all voxels inside it
Shift + Right Click: Draw out an area to deselect all voxels inside it


Color Palette Window
- Use WASD to move between colors.
- Unlock and use ctrl + left mouse to set/overwrite a color and ctrl + right click to erase a color
- Export and import should be intuitive
- Import only considers the first 50x50 pixel of the image (that should be more than enough)
With the controls kinda done, next thing you would like to know is that Slab6 is still the major contributor. VoxelShop cannot adjust pivots on its own, and/or double/halve model sizes. My workflow for a model usually goes like this:
1. Make a basic model in Slab6, just like usual (check my guide in the description for more details on this)
2. Basic coloring.
3. Double model, save it, and open it in VoxelShop.
4. With the model doubled, work on details and more coloring.
5. With the model finished, save and return to Slab6. (not exactly optional: Take a screenshot of your model to use as banner)
6. Adjust pivots and final adjustments.

So TLDR: Slab6>VoxelShop>Slab6.

Btw, Warp skipped the first 3 steps, and decided to make the whole model at doubled size from scratch in VoxelShop instead. Too time-consuming that way is. (Judging from his WIP screenshots and his own workflow)
So VoxelShop is only useful for modelling. The rest? Slab6.
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